A Straightforward Guide to PCOS

Maybe you've been overwhelmed by all the conflicting information on how to eat for PCOS: should we be keto? low carb? Mediterranean? Paleo? Maybe you're recently diagnosed or you're simply new to nutrition for PCOS. Either way, if you want a course that's going to tell you what you need to know, the why behind it, and eliminate all the confusion, PCOS Foundations is for you!

PCOS Foundations is for you if:

  • You're new to helping your PCOS with nutrition

  • You're confused about the best way to eat for PCOS

  • You're overwhelmed by all the conflicting PCOS info

  • You want to know specifically what to eat, how much to eat and why

  • You want to build positive habits that will truly change your lifestyle

Hi, I'm Amber!

I'll be your guide to better health with PCOS.

As a person who lives with PCOS myself and a private practice nutritionist specializing in this work for the last 8 years, I'm uniquely qualified to help you understand the most important changes you can make to improve your PCOS. PCOS nutrition does not have to be complicated and restrictive- you can eat delicious foods from all the food groups (and yes, carbs too!) and still thrive, manage and even possibly reverse symptoms! Let me show you how!

Included in PCOS Foundations

  • Video Presentations

    Learn about the root issues of PCOS and how to eat to manage them. Learn about how to organize your plates, days, and meals for ideal PCOS health. From there, we'll learn about stress, sleep, exercise and other lifestyle factors that make just as much difference for your hormones!

  • 4 Week Meal Plan

    Get 4 weeks of meal plans with grocery lists, timing instructions, and advice for how to prep leftovers so you don't have to cook every single meal! Learn to cook truly delicious, healthy food that's perfectly balanced for PCOS.

  • Downloadable Resources

    Amber's signature pdfs detail everything from fiber and protein content of common foods to matcha latte recipes, to how to create a bedtime routine! You'll have lots of resources to keep that will help you solidify your PCOS nutrition and lifestyle changes.

What You'll Learn:

In 6 modules I'll teach you all you really need to know to get started on the path to better health with PCOS and true symptom reduction!

  • Module 1: An introduction to PCOS and the course, your meal plan

  • Module 2: Where your symptoms come from- what are the root causes and how can you figure out yours? What are some labs and supplements that might help?

  • Module 3: Managing Your Symptoms- here's how to eat, what to eat and when to eat it. How to design a plate for PCOS, where protein, fat, carbs, and fiber fit, how many veggies you should eat and if you should fast

  • Module 4: The PCOS Lifestyle- how stress, trauma, activity, sleep and other factors impact PCOS and what to do to improve them. Why nutrition isn't the only factor in your symptoms and where to start to have a better relationship with lifestyle stress.

  • Module 5: Wrapping Up- where to go from here, how to cement your changes

  • Bonus Module: How to meal plan and prep for PCOS- I'll teach you my method of meal prepping to help you prepare simple, easy, and delicious food more efficiently so you don't have to cook all the time!

Let's get started!

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to PCOS Foundations!

    2. PCOS Type Quiz

    1. Where Symptoms Come From

    2. Where symptoms come from pt 2

    1. Managing PCOS

    2. Managing PCOS pt 2

    3. Mini Guide to Gut Healing

    4. Priority Pyramid Worksheet

    5. At home testing options

    6. Protein in Common Foods

    7. Fiber for PCOS

    8. Food Macro List

    1. The PCOS lifestyle

    2. PCOS Lifestyle Pt 2

    3. Stress Reduction for PCOS

    4. Sleep Hygiene

    5. Grocery Store Best Practices

    6. Exercise and PCOS

    7. Matcha Latte Recipe

    1. Wrapping Up

    1. Meal Plan- Week One

    2. Meal Plan- Week Two

    3. Meal Plan- Week Three

    4. Meal Plan Week Four

    5. Discount Codes & Links

    6. Supplement Dispensary & PCOS Protocols

About PCOS Foundations

  • $78.00
  • 30 lessons

Amber Fischer, MS CNS LDN

Your Guide to a PCOS Healthy Life

Amber Fischer

Amber Fischer is a Certified Nutrition Specialist and Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist with a Master's Degree in Integrative and Functional Nutrition. She has been a private practice nutritionist specializing in PCOS and women's health issues since 2015 and creates online content and courses to help you improve your health with PCOS.

Bonus Mini-Course

Included in your purchase of PCOS Foundations!

  • The PCOS Guide to Meal Prepping and Planning

    $150 value

    Learn how to quickly and efficiently plan simple, healthy, delicious meal preps with me! I'll teach you my method for cooking once to last me all week and how to do all the portioning math you need to do to prevent food waste, plus tips and tricks along the way!

Pricing options


  • I'm new to PCOS, is this right for me?

    Yes! This course is a fantastic resource for anyone with PCOS, whether just diagnosed or if you've lived with it all your life. I'll walk you step by step through the major lifestyle changes you can make to help your symptoms but I won't bog you down with too much information and confuse you. My goal is to get across exactly what you need to know to start feeling better asap!

  • What changes should I expect?

    PCOS Foundations will give you the tools and what you do with those tools can impact your entire life! Everyone is different but for most people, you should notice better, more consistent energy, less cravings, improved blood sugar balance, and better sleep within the first month. Many people will also experience reduction in body fat and improvements in PCOS symptoms.

  • Will I have to eliminate any foods?

    This course is written to incorporate all food groups with minimal restriction- I want you to truly enjoy ALL foods that you tolerate well! You won't have to give up cheese or bread, but you will learn how to modify certain foods to better help your hormone balance.

  • I have sensory issues with food textures, will this course help me?

    If eating veggies or whole foods is hard for you due to sensory or textural issues, I understand! I have been there! This course will rely on whole foods and will help you make the changes you need to be successful but the changes are gentle- you can go at your own pace. I encourage you to remain kind and curious with yourself as you start to develop a taste for things and modify as needed along the way!

  • Will this help me lose weight?

    The short answer is maybe! It depends a lot where you are coming from. If you follow the meal plans and you have body fat to lose, it is likely that you will see some weight reduction. But more than that, I hope you will feel more energetic, see your skin glow and just generally feel better! This course isn't weight focused and you can expect that I won't be telling you that you need to lose weight.

  • Is this course ok for me if I'm on birth control, metformin, spironolactone, etc?

    Yes! This course is written with healthy nutrition principles that can be followed on any of the common PCOS medications. Of course, if you have extenuating health concerns, always check with your doctor to make sure a change is right for you!

  • What's the difference between this and your other courses?

    PCOS Foundations is all about getting you the healthy foundation you need to improve your PCOS symptoms. We go in depth on the basics here- what to eat, when to eat it and why. We'll talk lifestyle changes and a little bit about root causes. Functional PCOS, on the other hand, is a more detailed look at PCOS- it walks you through the root cause issues of PCOS, more of the details and science behind them, as well as spending more time on things like gut health and food sensitivities. It's the better choice if you are really looking for that deep dive approach. If you get overwhelmed easily, are new to all this, or really just want a straightforward approach, this course, PCOS Foundations is your best bet!

  • Can I work one on one with you?

    Yes! I do accept clients for one on one work and if you're interested you can submit an application through my website at www.amberfischernutrition.com/services and my team will reach out if you're eligible!

  • Can I get a refund if I don't like the course?

    Because of the digital nature of this course, as well as the low price point, refunds won't be given on any purchases.

I'm so excited for you!

Are you ready?